Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Well, I suppose I'm a blogger now...

Due to a series of recent events ( i.e. a bit of boredom and a vain desire to share my inner monologue with the world), I have decided to bite the bullet, drop out of school, move to Thailand, and become a professional blogger. It is a weighty decision for one so inexperienced in the ways of blogging to make, but a burning dream of loyal Internet followers, fan clubs, and Brianna-themed bobble heads has spurred me onward.
So there you have it. I am still not entirely certain what the aim of this blog is going to be, so for the time being, I have decided to keep it open and just be honest and call it "A Really Intelligent Blog about Everything." Which it is, of course. Because I am really intelligent.... about everything. You name it: national horse races, the inner workings of the hydrogen bomb, how to make a pair of wooden clogs in less than 60 seconds... my life is a catacomb of useful (and entirely relevant!) information.

So as I have stated, I think it is time at the ripe, old age of 19 to harness the innate flow of word-vomit that God has gifted me with (sort of) and put it towards something useful! The timing is perfect... I still have a few good years before my hands are inflamed with arthritis, and as I have yet to contract a debilitating case of scurvy in any of my sea voyages, I am set with all the physical qualifications of an expert blogger! Not to mention, I have recently been voted by a board of very qualified and impartial elders "Most Likely to be Excellent at Everything" in all of the King County Region... and I have a commemorative plaque to prove it.
And that is why I have decided on this fateful day to undertake the grave responsibility of posting my thoughts for the world to see. I valiantly swear from this moment on, to keep my readers (or lack there of) as entertained as possible. Cheers.


  1. When are you coming out with a sequel?

  2. ooh, goodie. Sign me up. I LOVE the way you write, Brianna. You are so creative. Have you considered journalism as a career? You would make an incredible feature writer.

  3. Hooray! I am your first follower~!

  4. A Really Intelligent Comment About Everything

    Due to a series of today's progression ( i.e. browsing my Facebook news feed and a unmerciful desire to voice my incredible opinion), I have decided to follow you, invest all my life savings into a ridiculously awesome home blogger quadruple monitor computer system, fervently learn how to type at breakneck speeds of over 1000 wpm, and become a professional commenter. It is a life-changing decision for one so unsure of what to do with the rest of my life, but a diehard pursuit of ambitious intelligent bloggers who know everything, Tumblr-crazy writers, and Tim Tan-themed action figures has kept me persistent.

    So there you have it. I am still not entirely certain what the purpose of this comment is , so for now, I have decided to leave it open for interpretation and title it "A Really Intelligent Comment about Everything." Which it is. Because this comment is really intelligent and well-written.... about everything. You name it: the number of nosehairs Abraham Lincoln was born with, the complexities of how an industrial strength air conditioner operates, how to make weave not only baskets but also fine Italian suits underwater... this comment is a haven of insightful (and entirely pertinent!) thoughts.

    So as this comment stated, I think it is time at the ripe, old age of 47.6 seconds for this comment to utilize the amazing, awesome, fantastic, spectacular, extraordinary, brilliant, stupendous, flabbergasting, bone-riveting skills of its writer and make it into something history will never forget! The timing is perfect... I only have a few more minutes until I must begin my daily studies in "how to take over the world", and as I have yet to find any sign that suggests anything other than my sheer excellence, I am set with all the determination of an Olympian comment writer! Not to mention, I have recently been chosen by Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Oprah, my elderly Chinese neighbors, the driver of the 372 bus whom I often run into, and my 3-year old cousin to be "Most Likely to be Ridiculously Successful and Be the Greatest in History at Commenting" in all of the Greater Seattle area... and I have a framed piece of very expensive paper to prove it.

    And that is why I have decided in this momentous minute to take up the my calling and write this comment for all of your followers to see. I solemnly declare from this moment on, to keep the bloggers I respond to (or lack there of) as amused as possible. Peace.

  5. Timmy... I think we might just be soul mates.

  6. Haha they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I was thinking of something "smart" sounding to write, and after much backspacing I decided to challenge myself by making a parody of what you wrote. Hope you liked it
