Friday, November 19, 2010

I Would Rather Be Sleeping.

Well shoot.

I just realized I haven't written anything in 9 days, so now I'm feeling kind of guilty and wishing that my life was more exciting, so I would have more remarkable things to talk about. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I'm just lying here alone in bed on a Friday night with a really large stack of saltines and some rice pudding I found in the fridge, larding my life away into oblivion.... I should probably be out with the rest of the world right now like a normal 19 year old girl, but alas I really just enjoy lying around by myself like a hermit crab in my spare time and doing positively NOTHING. These are the simpler joys of life.

I even tried to go to bed early tonight, but unfortunately my guilty conscience would not let me sleep, and my mind was too plagued by the shame of not writing in over a week to actually rest. So anyway, I'm just lying in bed right now in a sense of utter defeat, very angry and also upset that I'm not sleeping but instead writing this stupid blog post, because otherwise I will be driven to insanity. So there.

Okay, well I've actually just been sitting here for a good 15 minutes or so, and I really can't think of anything at all to tell the world. In addition, I've just finished my saltines and now have nothing else to distract me from the fact that I'd rather be sleeping right now, so I'm getting very bitter and upset, and I really just want to throw my computer away or kill one of my pets birds or purposefully put something recyclable in the trash can to lessen my frustration.

Anyway... I think that this (angry and embittered) blog post should be enough to appease my guilt and make me feel better about not writing, so I am going to go sleep now. Curse my ridiculously overactive conscience. On the bright side, I will probably never turn out to be a serial killer or anything like that, because people who feel too guilty to sleep for not updating their blogs for 9 days usually don't go around killing people in their spare time. Just a reassuring thought for the world, in case you were ever suspicious.

okay, well GOOD NIGHT now my little friends........ I will write again when I'm in a better mood and don't feel like smashing my computer against the wall. Um. Yeah.

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