Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sick. That's all.

I have decided to take advantage of the fact that I am deathly ill and lying in a bed of heaping sickness and disease to write this friendly blog post! Yesterday, I was just beginning to show the signs of sickness: my throat was starting to hurt, I was intolerably cold, and one of my feet fell off. This morning, however, I woke up at 4AM to a great deal of coughing and spluttering and other pathetic symptoms that alerted me to the fact that I am indeed ILL.

So here I am, lying in bed like an elderly person who is also lying in bed, and thinking wistfully about my short life here on earth as I slowly await the clutches of death to take hold.... On the bright side, I have spent my morning eating LARGE sums of peanut butter toast (my favorite thing, besides coffee and crepes and cookies and about 10 other foods) and watching odd nordic folk tale movies that I found on Netflix. YEAH.

In addition, I have just taken enough painkiller to effectively sedate a killer whale, and I am forcing myself to get up out of bed to limp to my one class today like the true winner that I am. I like to compare myself to those heroic war veterans, hardened by their brutal experiences in enemy labor camps, who are still brave enough to face each morning with as much determination as an Olympian god.... I'm not entirely sure what that comparison has to do with me, but it sounds impressive, and I also am very impressive, so I think it works.

In light of this, I will persevere. I am bravely eschewing illness with a firm hand and am going to school to LEARN AND STUFF. Lying in bed is for weaklings. Pain killer is the stuff of champions.

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