Narrated by a 5-year-old boy and illustrated by his 29-year-old brother, Axe Cop is truly the greatest action-packed and gripping comic probably since the dawn of time. You never know what will happen next. Whether he's killing bad guys at night in his stealthy black cat suit, chopping off vampire's heads, or riding around on Wexter, the flying T-Rex with robot machine gun arms, Axe Cop is always off on an adventure. He is not alone though; Axe Cop has a killer crime-fighting team made up of Ralph Winkles (the talking dog), Uni Man (a man so smart, he grew a unicorn horn), Sockarang (superhero with socks instead of arms), Uni Avocado Soldier (part soldier... part avocado... with a magic unicorn horn to grant wishes!), and a series of other odd friends to ensure that he always has the upper hand on bad guys.
Where there is crime, there is Axe Cop... He will always be there to save the day, whether from the evil clutches of Hasta Mia (half dog, half really mean zombie) or from the malicious plots of Vampire Bay Kid and his neck of steal. With his trusty axe and secret attack of materializing food he's just eaten into bombs that come out of his hands, Axe Cop is always up for a good fight.
If you have never heard of Axe Cop, I would advise you to read it immediately. Your life will probably never be the same again... With this 5-year-old author's odd fixation on magic unicorn horns, super secret attacks, and convoluted plot twists, you will surely be entertained for every moment of your time. I cannot stress to the world enough how important it is to read these comics. I am providing a link to Axe Cop's home page, below, so that you will not have to delay another moment before digging in.
Read and enjoy! And as soon as you have done so, TELL ME (!!!), so that I also can bask in your newfound happiness and fulfillment.
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