Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Really Interesting Things.

Oh, gosh.

I'm afraid I've been a truly crap blogger this past week. It's because my life is kind of sad and uneventful, so I therefore have nothing of interest to say. My apologies.

On a brighter note, I learned a new word today!!

Absquatulate: to flee; to abscond

A very practical addition to my vocabulary, don't you agree? I plan to use the word at least once every other sentence for... um.... the rest of my life. Anyways, I once again apologize for absquatulating from my writing duties this past week. I will no longer absquatulate. In fact, as of this moment, I write off all of my absquatulating ways in favor of a life of non-absquatulation (YES! IT DOES HAVE A NOUN FORM).

Anyways... that's all I have to say... about absquatulating....

Queen of the Non-absquatulaters
Crowned champion of those who do not absquatulate
Chairman of the Anti-Absquatulation Board

I bid you good day.


  1. Oo! Can I be CEO of Absquatulation Incorporated?? (our tagline: "we do not absquatulate from giving you the best darn customer service you'll see in not only your lifetime!!!")

    And President of the United Islands of North Absquatulation?? We can draft the Declaration of Absquatulation and fight in the Absquatlationary War!

  2. not only your lifetime, but the lifetime of your forefathers, ancestors, and pet turtles**
